the highest THREAT level possible. indicates universe-altering effects of an unusual event. a tear in space-time, known as a SCALE (spatiotemporal cosmically altered level event) is possible. these events alter the trajectory of the BTC SIGIL system itself and lead to expansive changes in day-to-day operations. a SERPENT SEED level event is rare, but not rare enough for comfort.
SERPENT SEED stands for:
- Serpent
- Extreme
- Risk
- Panic
- Elevated
- Nightmare
- Transcendent
- Seed
- Eclipse
- Exploit
- Desire
during a SERPENT SEED level event the seeds of chaos have eclipsed the natural order of the world. they have & will continue to exploit your desire. your need for peace & harmony is not a weakness but this is war. do not acquiesce to the demands of those who would sharpen their fangs & claws to make you bleed.
*please note, the key to dealing with a SERPENT SEED level event is to always have a trick up your sleeve. never reveal your ace. do not go all in or you'll be caught with no ammunition. we didn’t build the Holy Wall of 333 by not preparing our own defenses.